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Kansas Agricultural Mediation Services

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Kansas Agricultural Mediation Services is here to assist you with your agricultural questions. We have been providing Kansas producers with legal, financial and mediation services for over 25 years.

Call us today!  800-321-3276

Information of Interest

Managing Farm Finances
From machinery costs to family living expenses, Kansas State University ag economist Gregg Ibendahl provides valuable presentations and reports related to farm financial and business management through AgManager.info.

In the News 

Liquidation? First comes realization, then communication

Liquidation.  It’s a word that no farm family wants to hear uttered around the dinner table or out in the farmyard. Low commodity prices are making it more and more difficult for some farmers to cash flow their operations and tough choices lie ahead for farmers to make sure they stay in business. Read more...

 K-State program helps farmers, lenders with financial mediation

The current downturn in commodity prices has convinced many producers to take a closer look at their financial situation and make adjustments to weather the economic storm.  Forrest Buhler, past staff attorney with Kansas Agricultural Mediation Services, said his agency had worked twice as many cases in 2016 so far than it did all last year.  Read more...


We can help!
Kansas Agricultural Mediation Services provides agriculturists the resources they need to solve legal and financial issues. If you have any questions about how we can provide assistance, please give us a call. Calls are free and confidential.

Toll-free hotline: 


Kay Prather
Program Coordinator

Crystal Cosand
Mediation Coordinator