K-State Research and Extension will host corn schools in six locations early in 2019. | Download this photo.
K-State Corn Production Schools scheduled for winter 2019
Schools at six locations across the state will focus on those regions
December 19, 2018
MANHATTAN, KAN. – K-State Research and Extension, in partnership with Kansas Corn, is hosting several one-day Corn Production Schools at locations across eastern, central, and western Kansas this winter. Three will be offered in early January 2019 in Salina, Oakley, and Lawrence. In February, three Pre-Plant Corn Schools will be held in Parsons, Hesston, and Garden City.
Each school is free to attend and will provide in-depth training targeted for corn producers in those regions. The schools are coordinated with Kansas Corn and the primary sponsor is Pioneer.
“The schools will cover a number of issues facing corn producers in each region including: weed control, crop production practices, markets, nutrient management and soil fertility, insects, irrigation and disease management. These events have a long-standing tradition and reputation in offering a solid set of topics of great relevancy to our corn growers across the state of Kansas,” said Ignacio Ciampitti, associate professor and corn specialist in the Kansas State University Department of Agronomy.
Kansas Corn Director of Industry Relations Stacy Mayo-Martinez said participants will hear from a variety of speakers including other farmers. “At the January Corn Schools, we will feature farmers from each area who will talk about how they are incorporating various technologies and practices. At the Hesston, Garden City and Oakley schools, local farmers and specialists will talk about lessons and opportunities with irrigation tools and other technologies.”
A lunch will be provided at each school and CCA credits and commercial pesticide credits are available where applicable. Participants are asked to pre-register before Jan. 3 for the January Corn Management schools and before Feb. 4 for the Pre-Plant Schools. Online registration is available at kscorn.com/cornschool. Participants can also register by phone by calling Kansas Corn at 785-410-5009 or by contacting their local K-State Extension office.
Registration for each school is at 7:45 a.m. with the program running 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. More information about each school, including agendas, is available online at kscorn.com/cornschool. The dates and locations are:
Corn Management Schools
Jan. 7: Salina, Hilton Garden Inn, 3320 S. 9th St.
Jan. 9: Oakley, Buffalo Bill Cultural Center, 3083 US-83
Jan. 11: Lawrence, Douglas County Fairgrounds, Flory Meeting Hall, 2120 Harper St.
Pre-Plant Corn Schools
Feb. 11: Parsons, Southeast Research and Extension Center, 25092 Ness Rd.
Feb. 13: Hesston, Dyck Arboretum of the Plains, 177 W. Hickory St.
Feb. 15: Garden City, Pioneer Garden City Research Station, 1455 Parallel Rd.
For more information, contact: Ignacio Ciampitti at ciampitti@ksu.edu or 785-532-6940; or Mayo-Martinez at smayo@ksgrains.com.