Food Preparation, Processing and Safety

What We Do

food science

K-State Research and Extension offers food safety education to all Kansans. Our experts educate youth and adults on how to prepare and preserve meals safely, and assist small food businesses and food service providers with information on preparing, serving and selling safe food items in line with governmental regulations.

Our work is part of a larger initiative that falls within the Grand Challenge of Global Food Systems (read more about the Critical Issues here). Not only do we work with Kansans, but our work extends regionally, nationally and internationally as a leading institution for food safety research and education.

Our Work


Extension employees help with many essential food science issues, from navigating the global food systems, to teaching young people how to prepare healthy, safe meals. We provide information and resources to help Kansans improve their nutritional health, keep their food safe, get food businesses off to the right start and more.

Our team of extension specialists focus on topics such as food safety, home food preservation, food pests, food business and meat science.

Special Programs

Our programming emphasizes special initiatives and resources that focus on safe and delicious preparation of foods, community involvement and nutritional health.