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The Tuesday Letter
Agricultural Experiment Station & Cooperative Extension Service

Vol. 7, No. 17    March 13, 2001

...Reception for Stan McAdoo
...KAE4-HA Communicator Entries Due
...Food*A*Syst Programs Scheduled
...Hazardous Occupation Training
...Order Forms Sent
...Continuing Education Opportunities
...Master Schedule

...Tuesday Letter Archives  

In recognition of Stan McAdoo's 31 years in service to rural communities all across Kansas as PRIDE Program Coordinator, faculty, staff, and friends are invited to a reception in his honor on Thursday, March 15, 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. in 125 Umberger Hall. A short program will be given at approximately 3:00. --Daryl Buchholz dbuchhol@oznet.ksu.edu 


Just a reminder that members of KAE4-HA wishing to submit entries for the Communicator Awards program need to send them to Phyllis Kriesel, Cherokee County Extension Office, by March 15. Judges will be evaluating them soon so winners can be announced at the April business meeting. Call if you have questions, 620-429-3849. This is an excellent way to get constructive comments on newsletters, news releases, etc. --Phyllis Kriesel


Kansas Food*A*Syst programs are scheduled at several counties around the state. These programs are free of charge and a manual will be provided to those attending. The target audience is smaller producers of beef, poultry, and fruits/vegetables, especially those who direct market. Based on the risk assessment concept from Farm*A*Syst, growers can improve the microbiological safety of food produced.

This is the schedule of meetings and locations. Producers wishing to participate can call the Extension office listed to RSVP. For additional information, contact Judy Willingham, 785-532-1213, or e-mail  jwilling@oznet.ksu.edu .

Date                    Time                                            Location & Phone

March 15              6:30-9:00 p.m.                           Johnson County Extension    913-764-6300
                                                                                13480 S. Arapaho Dr., Olathe

March 20              6:30-9:00 p.m.                           Douglas County Extension   785-843-7058
                                                                                 Fairgrounds, 2110 Harper, Lawrence

March 22              6:30-9:00 p.m.                           Finney County Extension   316-272-3670
                                                                                 501 S. 9th St., Garden City

March 26              6:30-9:00 p.m.                           Riley County Extension   785-537-6350
                                                                                 110 Courthouse Plaza, Manhattan

March 27              6:30-9:00 p.m.                           Neosho County Extension   316-244-3826
                                                                                 Courthouse, 100 S. Main, Erie

March 29              6:30-9:00 p.m.                           Sedgwick County Extension    316-722-7721
                                                                                 7001 W. 21st. St. North, Wichita

April 2                  6:30-9:00 p.m.                           Saline County Extension   785-826-6645
                                                                                Carver Center, 315 N. 2nd, Salina

April 3                  6:30-9:00 p.m.                           Norton County Extension    785-877-5755
                                                                                Fairgrounds 4-H Bldg., E. Park St., Norton

April 5                  6:30-9:00 p.m.                           Republic County Extension    785-527-5084
                                                                                Courtland Community Center on Main Street
                                                                                Across from the Bank in Courtland
Judy M. Willingham jwilling@oznet.ksu.edu 


Many of you are planning a Hazardous Occupation Training in your county and we have had several inquiries about when you have scheduled these trainings. An e-mail went to all the county agents to reply with your dates. We are currently in the process of generating a list so that we can post those dates onto a website for your information.

That address will be http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/root/hot.htm . If you have not submitted your training dates, you can e-mail them to abrandon@bae.ksu.edu . If you have any questions about the Hazardous Occupation Training, you may contact James (Pat) Murphy at 785-532-5813 or pmurphy@bae.ksu.edu . --Arlene Brandon


The Third Quarter 2001 and June 2001 New Publications order forms have been sent. Please remember to mail or fax preorders to the Distribution Center by April 2.

4-H Orders
Most Third Quarter items are 4-H publications. Remember that revised items appear on monthly order forms, and a number of 4-H items are under revision. Please watch for those items on upcoming monthly order forms.

CCS Orders
The order form for 4-H CCS publications is scheduled to be sent Friday, March 16. Please watch for the special form so Kansas orders can be consolidated and submitted in time to qualify for the statewide discount. More information will be sent with the order form.

Late Deliveries
We apologize for late delivery of some of your monthly and quarterly orders. Due to some unanticipated delays in order processing, publication delivery is behind. If some publications your office has ordered ARE NO LONGER NEEDED, please e-mail to cancel the order at orderpub@lists.oznet.ksu.edu . If you still want all of the publications currently on order, no further action is needed. The order will be filled as soon as possible.

Multiple Mailing and Invoices
As you may have noted, your office may have received multiple mailings and multiple invoices for publications sent at or near the same time. We are working to resolve this problem, but some orders that were entered before we discovered this issue are still being processed. We appreciate your patience. --Nancy Peavler npeavler@oznet.ksu.edu 


Kansas State University announces "Connecting Your Classroom to Kansas Agriculture," workshops of interest to K-12 teachers. The workshops will be held from June 11-16, 2001 and July 9-14, 2001 on K-State's Manhattan campus.

The workshops will allow the teacher to tour agriculture in unexpected places, discover new ways to integrate agriculture into current classroom curriculum, speak with researchers, and gather free classroom resources. Three hours of graduate credit will be paid by agriculture donors in the form of a $400 scholarship.  Scholarship application forms must be postmarked by April 15, 2001, accompanied by a $125 application fee. 

For more information, call 785-532-7946.


Submit corrections to previously submitted items to jzarger@oznet.ksu.edu .


Thursday, March 22, through Saturday, March 24
.... National CYFAR Conference, San Diego, CA, Gary Gerhard ggerhard@oznet.ksu.edu 

Friday, March 23
.... Master Farmer Recognition Banquet, Manhattan, Statewide, 6:00 p.m., Sue Robinson srobinso@oznet.ksu.edu 

Friday, March 23, through Saturday, March 24
.... State 4-H Volunteer Forum, Rock Springs 4-H, Statewide, Pat Fultz pfultz@oznet.ksu.edu 
.... 4-H Ambassador Training, Rock Springs 4-H, Statewide, Beth Hinshaw bhinshaw@oznet.ksu.edu 

Saturday, March 24
.... Regional 4-H Days, El Dorado/BU, Multi-county, SC, 8:00 a.m., Staci Garriott sgarriot@oznet.ksu.edu 

Monday, March 26
.... Oil Seed Crop Production, Norton, Multi-county, NW, Roger Stockton rstockto@oznet.ksu.edu 

Tuesday, March 27, through Wednesday, March 28
.... ServSafe-Serving Safe Food, Pratt and surrounding area, SC & SW, Karen Penner kpenner@oznet.ksu.edu 




Please Submit Items by Friday to include in the following Tuesday Letter to:
tuesday@oznet.ksu.edu. Put the word "Tuesday" in the subject line.

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