IN THIS ISSUE... ...Long-Term Strategic Planning LONG-TERM STRATEGIC PLANNING The next few Tuesday Letters will include comments and suggestions offered by members of our State Extension Advisory Council regarding the long-term Extension strategic planning discussions that we are initiating. This forward-looking effort is designed to help us maintain our leadership as an unbiased, science-based information source 15-to-25 years into the future given changes in demographics, clientele expectations, technology, etc. Today’s summary includes suggestions offered by the SEAC as to who should provide input into the process and asks for your assistance in identifying groups and individuals that should be invited to participate. Please forward your suggestions to mhightow@oznet.ksu.edu . It is likely that half of those invited will be external to KSRE. –Randy Higgins rhiggins@oznet.ksu.edu The SEAC suggestions included: * Anyone using any of our services
currently – give them a survey. Subsequent issues of The Tuesday Letter will review comments offered by SEAC members regarding five additional areas: -The most critical issues for us to address
in developing the K-State Extension strategic plan?
KSRE FIVE-YEAR PLAN UPDATE The LTIO statements, the basis of the new 5-year plan, will provide guidance for the next level of program development—the creation of key logic model/action plans. These state-level action plans will be developed by project/action teams and individuals between now and February 29, 2004. The key logic model/action plans will be posted online as they become available and will be the focus of the Spring Action Conferences in late March and early April. Between February and September, Extension agents will have the opportunity to work with their Program Development Committees to localize the educational plans. The new County/District 5-Year Action Plans (due October 1, 2004) will then provide the detail necessary for implementation of the new 5-year plan beginning in January, 2005. If you have questions or want additional information, please contact Marie Blythe at 785-532-6775 or mblythe@oznet.ksu.edu . –Randy Higgins rhiggins@oznet.ksu.edu , Forrest Chumley fchumley@oznet.ksu.edu , and Marie Blythe mblythe@oznet.ksu.edu
EMPLOYEE SELF SERVICE Employee Self Service may be accessed like any other web page that requires a browser at http://www.as.ksu.edu/HRIS . Microsoft Internet Explorer is the preferred browser. Employees may attend one of the following demonstrations of the Employee Self Service Module. No registration required. Demonstrations repeat every 30 minutes within scheduled periods.
Need more information? Access the following Web site: http://www.ksu.edu/hr/peo.htm . --Office of the Provost
ANNUAL CONFERENCE AWARDS Some of the awards that will be presented are selected from self-nominations or nominations by peers. Here is a summary of those awards and the nomination procedure. Please note the October 1 deadline. BUILDER AWARDS - These awards recognize individuals who have exhibited extra energy and creativity over a number of years in building new programs, audiences or institutions within K-State Research and Extension. Nominations should include the following: 1) Name, title, address and phone number
of the nominee and nominator. Submit nominations by Wednesday, October 1, to George Ham, 114 Waters Hall, Manhattan KS 66506 or email to gclaycom@oznet.ksu.edu . DIVERSITY AWARD - K-State Research and Extension is committed to an emphasis on diversity in programming, workforce and relationships with other organizations. In order to recognize individuals who have embraced this vision, a Diversity Award will be presented. Nominations should include the following: 1) Name, title, address and phone number
of the nominee and nominator. Submit nominations by Wednesday, October 1, to George Ham, 114 Waters Hall, Manhattan KS 66506 or email to gclaycom@oznet.ksu.edu . TEAM AWARD - The Team Award acknowledges outstanding efforts by a group of individuals addressing one of the Four Core Mission Themes of K-State Research and Extension. Nominations should include the following: 1) Name, title, address and phone number
of the nominees and nominator. Submit nominations by Wednesday, October 1, to George Ham, 114 Waters Hall, Manhattan KS 66506 or email to gclaycom@oznet.ksu.edu . MENTORING AWARD - K-State Research and Extension faculty who have been employed for two years or less are encouraged to nominate a mentor who has helped them and others achieve higher performance and productivity. One award will be presented to a county/district faculty mentor and one to an area/state faculty mentor. Nominations should include the following: 1) Name, title, address and phone number
of the nominee and nominator. Submit nominations by Wednesday, October 1, to George Ham, 114 Waters Hall, Manhattan KS 66506 or email to gclaycom@oznet.ksu.edu . --Stacey Warner swarner@oznet.ksu.edu
COMMUNITY FOOD SYSTEMS WORKSHOP The workshop will present information about the characteristics of community food systems and differences between local and global systems, learn how to apply this information to your work, and learn about local food system-related resources in Kansas. Contact Jana Beckman to obtain a travel scholarship application form at beckman@oznet.ksu.edu , or 785-532-1440. For information about the workshop, contact Sherrie Mahoney, Saline County Extension, at smahoney@oznet.ksu.edu , or 785-309-5850. --Jana Beckman beckman@oznet.ksu.edu
VALUE-ADDED GRANT PROGRAM MEETINGS USDA Rural Development will host five informational meetings covering the Agency’s ‘Value-Added Producer Grant Program.' The presentations, which will explain the details of this important program, will be held in Dodge City, Hays, McPherson, Iola and Topeka. The five USDA Rural Development value-added information meetings will be held: Dodge City / September 22, 2003: 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., High Plains Journal Communication Center, 1500 East Wyatt Earp Boulevard. Hays / September 22, 2003: 2:00
p.m. to 5:00 p.m., KSU Agricultural Research Center, 1232 240th Avenue McPherson / September 23, 2003: 9:00 a.m. to noon, Best Western Holiday Manor, 2211 East Kansas Avenue Iola / September 24, 2003: 9:00 a.m. to noon, Allen County Community College, Student Center, Stadler Conference Room, 1801 N. Cottonwood Topeka / September 26, 2003: 9:00 a.m. to noon, Kansas Electric Power Cooperative, 600 Corporate View For additional information regarding the ‘Value-Added Producer Grant Program,' contact USDA Rural Development at 620-784-5431, Extension #37, or e-mail the Agency at 2000farmbillRD@ks.suda.gov . For additional meeting information, contact USDA Rural Development at 785-271-2701 or e-mail the Agency at harold.alford@ks.usda.gov . --Steven Graham sgraham@oznet.ksu.edu
NATIONAL JUNIOR MASTER GARDENER GROUP FOR SEPTEMBER To read more about the Horizon Suns, visit the National Junior Master Gardener web site at www.jmgkids.com . More information about the Horizon Suns is included in the September National JMG Newsletter. Click on "Newsletters" on the sidebar menu of the home page. --Evelyn Neier eneier@oznet.ksu.edu
FORUM The schedule offers something for every 4-H volunteer -- hands-on learning by doing, club management tips, 4-H marketing and recruitment resources, 4-H project leadership skills, plus time for personal rejuvenation. We certainly appreciate your support by encouraging your volunteers to attend the State Volunteer Forum, which provides a unique opportunity for them to share information and learn from others as well as build a network of informed and enthusiastic volunteers for the 4-H program. Giving leadership to the 2004 Forum is Brenda Hoobler, Atchison County, NE Area Vice-President; and Diane Nielson, Atchison County FCS Agent. For the first time, participants will be staying in Leadership Lodge. Registration brochures were sent to Extension Offices in late August. If you need another copy, please contact the State 4-H Office. The Volunteer Forum is a project of the Kansas Association of 4-H Volunteers, which was organized in 2001 for the purpose of bringing together a network of volunteers from across the state and focusing on volunteer development opportunities. Membership dues are only $5 per year; a lifetime membership is available for $50. New officers to be elected at the business meeting include the President-Elect, Treasurer, SW Area Vice-President and the NE Area Vice-President. For more information pertaining to the association, contact the State 4-H Office. --Pat McNally pmcnally@oznet.ksu.edu
NELD-NORTH CENTRAL APPLICATIONS The NELD-NC program is approximately 12 months in length and consists of four seminars. Tentative schedule, topics, and locations for 2004 are as follows:
If you would like to submit an application for the 2004 program, the form will be available on our Web site, http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/prev/ , by September 19. Applicants must be able to fully participate in all four seminars. If you have questions or desire additional information, call Marie Blythe at 785-532-6775, or class members who completed their year's program earlier this month, Dan O'Brien, 785-462-6281; and Jennifer Wilson, 785-537-6350. Information about the recently completed program is available at http://www.uwex.edu/ces/neld/ . Completed application forms should be returned to Dr. Blythe, 127 Umberger Hall by October 15. Selected agents/faculty members will be notified by October 31, 2003. --Marie Blythe mblythe@oznet.ksu.edu
STATE 4-H VENTURERS This is a great program to connect with the local Boy Scout troops -- every year since its inception, BSA members have participated in the 4-H Venturers Program. This program is a project of the Venturers Action Team, comprised of teens and adults including: Teens: Michelle Higgins and Lisa Stork, Riley; Kallie Pennel, Jefferson; Austin Clarkson, Pratt. Adults: Deb and Gary Pryor, Riley; Gerry Snyder, Riley; John Payne, Shawnee; Julia Pennel, Jefferson; Cherie Riffey, Pratt; Mary Radnor, Scott; Steve and Tammie Graham, Douglas; Jo Ellen Arnold, Franklin. We are very fortunate to offer a 10 day backpacking adventure at the Philmont BSA High Adventure Base near Cimarron, New Mexico, August 4-13. Slots for the 36 teens and adults will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. The program is designed for teens (14 years of age by January 1, or who will graduate from the 8th grade in 2004) and adults who love the outdoors and thrive on mental and physical challenges that require skills in communications, decision making, safety, leadership, teamwork, backpacking, outdoor cookery and coping with the best and worst of the elements of nature. --Pat McNally pmcnally@oznet.ksu.edu
DISCOVERY DAYS 2004 Teens: Jessica Coen, Franklin; Jared Smidt, Dickinson; Amanda Guenther, Franklin; Bernadette Trieb, Riley; Angela Humphrey, Rush; Aaron Kadavy, Republic; Kandace Gustason, Morris. Volunteers: Pam Kvas, Lyon; Heather Baumgarten, Saline; Lucas Shivers, Clay; Mary Wallace, Marshall; David McCandles, Shawnee; Kyla Scott, Chase. Agents: Robyn Swonger, Walnut Creek District; Tandy Rundus, Republic; Carl Garten, Saline; Robin Eubank, Seward; Mary Sullivan, Grant; Leroy Russell, Shawnee; Al Davis, Johnson; Christine McPheter, Meade; Lisa Long, Kingman; and Pam Van Horn, Saline. State competitive events will take place on Tuesday, June 1. Registration information and other details pertaining to the competitive events will be issued from the respective department/college and/or action team (i.e., Department of Animal Science Department, College of Human Ecology & FCS Action Team). One of the top suggestions from the 2003 Discovery Days Caucus was the need for a greater variety of classes that offered a sequential learning opportunity for those who return to Discovery Days more than one time. Ideas? Topics? Presenters? Please send suggested topics and contact information for presenters to me by October 10. Thanks! --Pat McNally pmcnally@oznet.ksu.edu
- OCTOBER 29 AND 30 The 4-H Afterschool Conference is October 29 and 30 at Rock Springs 4-H Center. Please refer to the letter dated June 24 for details. Registration cost, which includes resources, lodging and meals, is $60. All registration forms and fees are due to Diane Mack by September 30. If you have questions, please contact Diane Mack at dmack@oznet.ksu.edu . --Diane Mack
Friday, September 26 Friday, September 26 Saturday, September 27 Monday, September 29, through
Tuesday, September 30 Monday, September 29, through
Friday, October 3 |
Please Submit Items by
Friday to include in the
following Tuesday Letter to: |