IN THIS ISSUE... ...Hold on
County Agent Hiring Lifted HOLD ON COUNTY AGENT
HIRING LIFTED Hiring of district extension agent positions was not affected during the last four months since district operational agreements require K-State Research and Extension to maintain funding based on the agent allocation for the district. In effect, K-State's financial obligation to districts is independent of whether individual district-level positions are filled or remain vacant. Stated another way, there were no salary savings to KSRE when a district agent position was vacant so districts remained exempt from the "hold". Many counties are involved with the process of studying districting as a means of providing more stable funding and to potentially gain access to more specialized agents. Our efforts continue to be focused on maintaining, and ultimately, improving the sustainability and relevance of our Extension system for everyone's benefit. To do this, we must recognize that strategies that worked well several years ago may need some adjustment to meet current situations and changing clientele expectations. The Extension Strategic Plan will examine some of these options and alternatives. The strategic planning core group has met twice and anticipates three meetings with a larger group heavily weighted towards external audiences later this summer through the end of the year. Copies to be mailed to State Extension Advisory Council, County Board/District Governing Body Chairs, Kansas Citizens for Extension Education, Sue Peterson, Provost Coffman. --George Ham gham@oznet.ksu.edu ; Randy Higgins rhiggins@oznet.ksu.edu ; K-State Research and Extension Area Extension Directors; and Assistant Directors
APPRECIATION RECEPTION FOR INTERIM DEAN AND INTERIM DIRECTOR GEORGE HAM The reception will be held on Thursday, July 1, 2004, from 3:30 to 5:00 at the Alumni Center, Banquet Room A. --Ginny Claycomb gclaycom@oznet.ksu.edu
LEADERSHIP FORUM PRESENTERS NEEDED This conference, designed for youth, ages 14-18, will include speakers, track sessions, consulting groups and the election of the 2005 Kansas State 4-H Youth Leadership Council. We are recruiting proposals for track session instructors/presenters. Topics should center around leadership. Some ideas might include, but are not limited to, community service, citizenship, communication, conflict management, ethics, motivation, decision making, leading by example, time management, international citizenship, multi cultural studies, diversity, business etiquette and getting involved after high school. The Kansas State 4-H Youth Council members hope that you (or one of your volunteers) will be interested in sharing your expertise through this opportunity. All sessions will be on Saturday, November 20. You will find the letter and proposal form on the 4-H Web page, http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/4h/kylf/Request_Presenters.pdf . Proposals are due to the State 4-H office by July 15, or if you have questions, contact Beth Hinshaw, bhinshaw@oznet.ksu.edu ; or Justin Wiebers, jwiebers@oznet.ksu.edu . --Beth A. Hinshaw bhinshaw@oznet.ksu.edu
NEWSLETTER The content of the newsletter reinforces the outcomes of K-State Research and Extension’s five year plans. Therefore, they should be helpful in building awareness and supporting your local program plans. Distribution of the newsletter is the choice of each local extension program unit and will depend on networking within local communities. Here are some ways agents are using the Young Families Newsletter: - Mail the newsletter to agencies and
organizations. --Margaret Phillips Margaret@oznet.ksu.edu
MANAGEMENT FOR PRODUCTION AGRICULTURE CONFERENCE The conference is scheduled for August 12-13, 2004, and will include timely seminars given by the leading experts in the country on the subject of human resource management for agricultural businesses. The reduced rate is available only until August 1, so make your arrangements now! For more information, call Sarah Fogleman at 620-431-1530, or visit the conference homepage, www.oznet.ksu.edu/employee . --Sarah L. Fogleman sfoglema@oznet.ksu.edu
VIEW THE MASTER SCHEDULE OR ADD NEW ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS . Submit corrections to previously submitted items to jzarger@oznet.ksu.edu . DATES TAKEN FROM THE MASTER SCHEDULE FOR JUNE 30, 2004, THROUGH JULY 6, 2004: Friday, July 2, through Saturday July
3 Sunday, July 4, through Monday July 5 Tuesday, July 6 Tuesday, July 6, through Thursday,
July 8 |
Please Submit Items by
Friday to include in the
following Tuesday Letter to: |