IN THIS ISSUE... ...Word
from the Associate Director - Extension and Applied Research WORD FROM THE ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR - EXTENSION AND APPLIED RESEARCH I had a great experience one week ago when I made the trip to Burlington to meet with the office professionals from the local and area K-State Research & Extension offices in southeast Kansas. You know, meeting with that great group of professionals helped remind me who it is I so often take for granted. I could hope that taking people for granted is only my problem, but I suspect it may extend beyond me. As the first line of contact for every one of our offices, the office professional plays a vital role in creating a first impression for K-State Research & Extension. That individual also gets that first line of questioning about this, that, or the other thing. As faculty, our responsibility to the office professionals is to keep them informed. As an office professional, it is your responsibility to ask questions and stay informed. Communicate, communicate, communicate. Everyone within the office needs to be able to see the bigger picture, and understand the what and why of things that may be happening. It's my experience that keeping people informed makes for a better work environment. Some of the information that needs to be shared isn't necessarily for public review, and as such, each of us has to accept that responsibility for confidentiality. My topic with the office professionals was on professionalism. I emphasized knowing more about the system for which you work. With that, I emphasized the importance of the office professional knowing the priority programming among the agents and specialists for whom they were responsible. Office professionals should know the bigger educational program goals of the agents or specialists. When I asked how many believed they knew those bigger goals, about 1/3 raised their hands. I challenged all of them to go back home and at a staff meeting ask each agent or specialist to articulate their educational goals for the year. I hope each agent or specialist would do that with the office professionals to help everyone see what is being accomplished from the broad perspective, and not simply what is keeping people busy on a day to day basis. I wish for you a safe and happy Thanksgiving Holiday as you travel to family and friends. May you find the time to reflect and give thanks for all those wonderful blessings which have come your way. --Daryl Buchholz dbuchhol@oznet.ksu.edu
USE OF DISCRETIONARY DAY County/district agents have a Discretionary Day if their county/district follows the State of Kansas holiday schedule. --Stacey M. Warner swarner@oznet.ksu.edu
UPGRADE The upgrade process will require us to take the e-mail and Webmail servers off-line for a period of time so that e-mail can be copied from the old server to the new server. E-mail will not be lost in this switch-over. The hardware upgrade will not affect how you use e-mail or Webmail. We anticipate running OzNet e-mail through the last quarter of 2005. The migration to the KSU e-mail system should be complete at that time. The upgrade will improve reliability until that transition is completed. Please direct any questions or concerns to Roger Terry or Larry Havenstein at 785-532-6270. --Roger V. Terry rterry@oznet.ksu.edu
PUBLICATIONS CONCERNS For information on what new products might be available, call or e-mail our specialists, check for publications from other states that have been recently updated, or check local stores. One of the problems is that with the loss of Diazinon and Dursban there are now hundreds of new products on the market. In addition, the market is fragmented and products are now often being sold under trade names rather than chemical names and specific trade names may be being sold in only certain stores. So even if you did find a reference for a specific chemical or product, it may or may not be sold in your local area. Those wanting to provide more help for clientele in their area may need to visit some of the local stores and check on what products they have available for certain key pests. It you are having a problem, please call or e-mail us and we will try to respond with additional help. Hopefully, our on-going process of revising our publications will resolve many of these questions as new versions of publications become available over the next few months. Also, check our website as we post articles and information as they become available. One handy article on this issue was posted to our website back in May: http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/entomology/extension/KIN/KIN_2004/kin-10/04ksnew.10.htm#Insecticide_Dilemma This publication lists the chemical(s) in 132 different products found in 11 retail outlets in Manhattan this past spring. Please keep us informed of your needs and questions as this will help us focus our efforts. --Phil Sloderbeck psloderb@oznet.ksu.edu
TRAINING PROJECT LEADER AND JUDGES Registration information has been posted on the 4-H website, www.4-h.k-state.edu ! Find it under "What's Hot!" Please share with dog leaders, older teens and potential 4-H dog show judges. --Jim Adams jadams@oznet.ksu.edu
LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE TO BE HELD AT K-STATE Students and organizational advisors are encouraged to attend. Registration is limited to the first 320 registrants. For more information, or to register, visit www.dce.ksu.edu/05hsleadership . --Derek Larson, Continuing Education DLARSON@dce.ksu.edu
VIEW THE MASTER SCHEDULE OR ADD NEW ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS. Submit corrections to previously submitted items to jzarger@oznet.ksu.edu . DATES TAKEN FROM THE MASTER SCHEDULE FOR DECEMBER 1, 2004, THROUGH DECEMBER 7, 2004: Wednesday, December 1 ....Kansas Beef Nutrition and Management Series, Tonganoxie/LV, Statewide, 6:30 p.m., Leon Stites hlstites@oznet.ksu.edu Thursday, December 2 .... Kansas Beef Nutrition and Management Series, Junction City/GE (JC Sales), Statewide, 6:30 p.m., Chuck Otte cotte@oznet.ksu.edu Friday, December 3 Saturday, December 4 Monday, December 6, through Wednesday, December 8 Tuesday, December 7, through Wednesday, December 8 |
Please Submit Items
by Friday to include in the following Tuesday Letter to: |