IN THIS ISSUE... ...Word
from the Associate Director - Extension and Applied Research WORD FROM THE ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR - EXTENSION AND APPLIED RESEARCH This will be a continuing look at the strategic plan for Cooperative Extension. A theme that shows up throughout the strategic plan is one of strengthening the engagement of local Extension Boards and Program Development Committees with community/county leadership. This theme is evident in Organizational Structure and Staffing (recommendation #3), Resource Development (#2), Education and Information Development and Dissemination (#1), and Constituency Development and Marketing (#3). This really points to the need for K-State Research & Extension to expand the training and development we provide to our local Boards and PDCs. And, as we develop more training for the Boards and PDCs, that our expectations of their involvement also increase. If you have thoughts and ideas on how we might improve such training, please pass along those ideas and information to your Extension administrative contact. And, keep in mind that while I am sharing the content of the strategic plan, some of these developments will take time and effort before implementation takes place. The Extension Administrative team looks forward in both this week and next to be out around the state at Partnership Meetings with Extension Board members and Extension agents. --Daryl Buchholz dbuchhol@oznet.ksu.edu
EXTENSION OFFICE LOCATOR ON USDA WEBSITE This database-driven locator allows consumers and others throughout the United States to find their nearest Extension office and its contact information. So far they have seen considerable user traffic to this page, and it has become more popular as more and more people visit the USDA CSREES website. It's time to ask you to take a few minutes to look at the website and let USDA know: 1) if the information is correct, or 2) if it is not, provide USDA with changes that need to be made. In either case, please address your response to webchanges@csrees.usda.gov . Please respond to this e-mail address with your comments by January 31, 2005. --Daryl Buchholz dbuchhol@oznet.ksu.edu
WATER QUALITY PROJECT In addition to the WQFARE program, the Kansas Grassland Water Quality Project can also provide information and workshops on a wide variety of range management practices that improve grass cover and grazing distribution. Implementing good range management practices can lower the quantity of sediment, fecal coliform, and nutrients in runoff and improve stream and impounded water quality. For more information please visit our website: www.oznet.ksu.edu/glwq , or contact Dr. Walt Fick at 785-532-7223, or whfick@ksu.edu . --Garry Harter gharter@ksu.edu
This password change is of great significance for all OzNet users. Because of our ongoing joint efforts with the University to make this a one identity (eID) and one password university, changing your eID password WILL change your OzNet password. When you forget to change your eID password, many things will happen: 1. You won't receive your OzNet or your KSU
e-mail. The importance of changing your password cannot be stressed enough. To change your eID password, log in to your eID profile at http://eid.k-state.edu . For more detailed instructions on changing your passwords, go to http://accounts.oznet.ksu.edu/password . --Kathryn Burton kburton@ksu.edu
HOSTING IN-DEPTH SOIL MANAGEMENT AND CORN PRODUCTION SCHOOLS January 27, Scott County will be hosting "KSU In-Depth Corn Production School," starting at 9 a.m. at the Wm. Carpenter 4-H Building. Both meetings are being co-hosted by Scott, Finney, Kearny and Wichita County Extension Councils. --Genelle Krehbiel gkrehbie@oznet.ksu.edu
WORKSHOP The workshop is designed to assist and educate pet breeders in expanding their knowledge of raising, breeding and preventative medicine, reproduction, kennel design, cleaning and sanitizing, and adequate veterinary care. If you have any questions or want further information, you can contact Linda Johnson or Marci Ritter at 785-532-5696 or the website at www.vet.k-state.edu . Click on Continuing Education, click on Canine Care Workshop! The website says that you have to preregister by January 7, but if you want to go, call Linda or Marci and the late fee can be waived and people can still attend. --Jim Adams jadams@oznet.ksu.edu
Topics Will Include: What makes programming efforts "4-H"? Lunch will be provided on site. With funding from J.C. Penney, through National 4-H Council, there is no cost to attend, but we need you to register by January 21, by calling or e-mailing Elaine Johannes at 785-532-7720; ejohanne@oznet.ksu.edu . For more information, contact either Johannes or Diane Mack at 785-532-5833; dmack@oznet.ksu.edu . Look for the 4-H Afterschool informational flier at www.4-H.K-State.edu . Look under "What's Hot." --Diane Mack
MOBILE COMPUTER LAB The SpaceTech Team would like to let everyone know that this unit is available for use beyond the 4-H SpaceTech programs, and can be requested for major educational programs. We have set forth some guidelines for use, and encourage all to take up the offer. Request for the mobile computer lab must be made prior to its use. This is done by calling the Northwest Area Research & Extension office, 785-462-6281, or e-mailing spatten@oznet.ksu.edu . Requests are granted on a first come first serve basis to prevent conflicts. Guidelines and policies for use of the mobile lab for both 4-H and non-4-H groups are available by contacting us. --Walter Barker wbarker@oznet.ksu.edu
*Advanced Microsoft®
Excel 2002
*Advanced Microsoft®
Word for Windows
*Building websites
with Microsoft® FrontPage 2003
*Do more with your
Pocket PC
*Introduction to
Microsoft® PowerPoint
*Advanced Microsoft®
Word for Windows
Courses vary in length but all instructors post one lesson per week. You'll get an e-mail notifying you when each new lesson is posted. You work at your own pace throughout the week. In my experience, the classes are top-notch. And they're FREE! The website is http://hplearningcenter.com/all_courses.jsp?mcid=em15saleft . Please call me if you have questions or would like assistance while taking a class. --Kathy Wright kaw@oznet.ksu.edu
FOR KANSAS FAMILIES Bill Peterson will be Thursday's opening speaker. His important message is Humor, Laughter and Play for Better Health and a Happier Life. As a former Health Care Administrator, he believes strongly in the power of laughter. Friday's luncheon program will feature faces familiar to Extension. Ann Domsch, Reba White and Connie Hoch, as Pickles, doxy la Klutz, and Cookie Dee Clown, will present an entertaining session on "Clowning Around in the Workplace." During the two-day event, more than 20 different workshops will be offered including topics on nutrition, child development, technology, leadership, and advocacy. Early bird registration should be
postmarked by February 1. Regular registration will be taken until
February 15. Registration forms, conference schedule and additional
workshop information can be found at:
VIEW THE MASTER SCHEDULE OR ADD NEW ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS. Submit corrections to previously submitted items to jzarger@oznet.ksu.edu . DATES TAKEN FROM THE MASTER SCHEDULE FOR JANUARY 26, 2005, THROUGH FEBRUARY 1, 2005: CHANGES: The Finney County Sunflower Production meeting in Garden City will be held on January 28 instead of January 18 as previously indicated. Tuesday, January 18 Wednesday, January 26 .... Sprayer Technology, Hugoton/SV, Single county, SW, Curtis Thompson cthompso@oznet.ksu.edu Wednesday, January 26, through Thursday, January 27 Thursday, January 27 .... SW Area 4-H KAA Screening, Cimarron/GY, 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Rod Buchele rbuchele@oznet.ksu.edu .... NE Area 4-H KAA Screening, Manhattan, 9:30 a.m., Diane Mack dmack@oznet.ksu.edu .... Fluid Fertilizer Workshop, Salina, Statewide, Dale Leikam dleikam@ksu.edu Friday, January 28 Saturday, January 29 Saturday, January 29, through Sunday, January 30 Monday, January 31 Tuesday, February 1 .... Crop Consulting School, Lyons/RC, Multi-county, NE and SE, Stu Duncan sduncan@oznet.ksu.edu .... Sprayer Clinic, Montgomery, Multi-county, SE, Gary Kilgore gkilgore@oznet.ksu.edu .... SE Area 4-H KAA Screening, Eureka/GW, Beth Hinshaw bhinshaw@oznet.ksu.edu .... KSU Swine Profitability Conference, Manhattan, Statewide, Jim Nelssen jnelssen@oznet.ksu.edu .... 4-H Afterschool Training Session, Scott City, Western Kansas counties, 10:00 a.m., Diane Mack dmack@oznet.ksu.edu .... Dryland Corn and Irrigated Sunflower Production, Hugoton/SV, Single county, SW, 1:30 p.m., Curtis Thompson cthompso@oznet.ksu.edu Tuesday, February 1, through Thursday,
February 3 |
Please Submit Items
by Friday to include in the following Tuesday Letter to: |