IN THIS ISSUE... ...Word
from the Associate Director - Extension and Applied Research WORD FROM THE
ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR - EXTENSION AND APPLIED RESEARCH This past week I had the pleasure of visiting nine local Extension units. In the course of each of those visits, the Extension agents and I got into a dialog on what is meant by area of focus, area of expertise, program focus, or whatever one might call this initiative. I appreciated the questions, concerns, ideas, and opportunities shared. I will share a little bit of what was discussed in those settings. As the Extension administration team has been working through principles of Good to Great, one exercise we did was to identify those qualities that made for a truly outstanding/great extension professional. To do this, we each wrote down the names of individuals within K-State Research and Extension who we believed truly exemplified a great Extension professional. We shared our lists and created a long list of names. Several individuals were identified multiple times. As we reviewed that list, we identified common qualities that set such a group up as excellent Extension professionals. It became evident these individuals exhibited excellence in several Core Competencies for Extension Professionals . And, they exhibited a recognized expertise and program focus in at least one distinct subject matter area. And, as an Extension professional, you could also sense these individuals had great command of the overall responsibilities that went with their position. As I have discussed these observations with numerous Extension professionals, most will agree that developing excellence in core competencies along with a defined area of program focus is an appropriate formula for personal and professional growth. Additionally, the fact that the Extension administrative team could identify a healthy list of current Extension professionals who fit this criteria should be some assurance that we are striving for an excellence that already exists among peers within K-State Research and Extension. The meetings later this month are a first step in working towards an identification of an area of program focus for each Extension agent. Further discussions will occur at Annual Conference, and ultimately, we will ask for each agent to identify a program focus area by January 1. I've not addressed several other questions like: Isn't this effort simply one more push for districts? Are you saying I should only be working within this program focus area? How can I take a full plate and now be asked to add yet another item? Should we anticipate any different strategies in determining the in-service education offerings for Extension professionals? Could this provide for greater dialog and teamwork among agents and specialists? What about professional development opportunities relating to the Extension core competencies? Responses to those questions will come with time. Our ultimate outcome is in being the best in creating opportunities for positive improvement in personal lives, in businesses, and in communities all across the state. We create these opportunities through active, non-formal educational experiences backed by the knowledge resources of Kansas State University and the Land-Grant University System. K-State Research and Extension believes in life-long learning, "Knowledge for Life." This whole initiative is about each of us being a great example of our belief in life long learning through personal and professional growth and development. --Daryl Buchholz dbuchhol@ksu.edu
NEEDED FOR AWARDS Nominations are to include the following: 1) Name, title, address and phone number
of the nominee(s) and nominator. The award categories are: BUILDER AWARDS - These awards recognize individuals who have exhibited extra energy and creativity over a number of years in building new programs, audiences or institutions within K-State Research and Extension. DIVERSITY AWARD - K-State Research and
Extension is committed to an emphasis on diversity in programming,
workforce and relationships with other organizations. In order to
recognize individuals who have embraced this vision, a Diversity Award
will be presented.
FOR AWARDS! Send your nominations to Danny Rogers, drogers@ksu.edu , Awards Committee Chair. An electronic version is preferred. Thank you for taking time to recognize the good work of your extension colleagues.
--Danny Rogers
RANCH MANAGEMENT FIELD DAY For more information, contact John Stannard at 785-483-3157 or jstannar@oznet.ksu.edu . --John Stannard
K-STATE IPM MINI-GRANT CALL FOR PROPOSALS ANNOUNCED These are small grant awards for small research projects, IPM implementation ideas or other IPM related work. There is a maximum of $8,000 which can be applied for. All applicants must have a tie to K-State as the PI contact. If you have any questions regarding this grant program, please contact Sharon Dobesh at 785-532-4748 or sdobesh@oznet.ksu.edu . --Sharon Dobesh K-STATE RESEARCH AND EXTENSION COMPUTER TOOL KIT 2007 IS NOW OUT The K-State Research and Extension Computer Tool Kit 2007 CDs have been mailed out to counties, area offices, and research centers in K-State Research and Extension. On campus departments need to contact their normal computer support person if they need a disc. This version of the computer tool kit includes the new Trend Micro Officescan Anti-virus program that is replacing the Symantec Antivirus. Also included are new versions of most of the applications including Pegasus Mail and Firefox. If you want a personal copy of the K-State Research and Extension Computer Tool Kit 2007, you are welcome to make copies of the CD that was sent out or go to http://toolkit.oznet.ksu.edu and download the ISO file version to make a CD. If you have any questions, please contact IET, support@oznet.ksu.edu , or 785-532-6270. --Larry Havenstein lhavenst@oznet.ksu.edu
TREND MICRO OFFICESCAN REPLACES SYMANTEC ANTI-VIRUS Trend Micro Officescan must be installed on all computers used for daily work by K-State and K-State Research and Extension by October 1, 2006 for regular updates of anti-virus definitions to be maintained. You can get Trend Micro Officescan from the K-State Research and Extension Computer Tool Kit 2007 or from http://toolkit.oznet.ksu.edu website. Please read the How to Install Trend Micro document before installing Trend Micro Officescan. If you have any questions, please contact IET, support@oznet.ksu.edu , or 785-532-6270. --Larry Havenstein lhavenst@oznet.ksu.edu
FALL The course will focus on leadership styles and ideas based on Coach Ron Prince's leadership, and from the textbook: "Built to Last" by Jim Collins. The course is open to educators, professionals, and coaches of all levels, as well as avid K-State fans. This is an internet course, and will be available through K-State Online. For information or to register go to www.dce.ksu.edu/leadership or call 1-800-432-8222. --Melinda Sinn sinnpio@k-state.edu
ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY: STRENGTHENING THE SCIENCE BASE A series of provocative plenary sessions — featuring the presentation of commissioned papers and invited “perspectives” — will set the stage for more specific discussions in concurrent sessions, a poster paper session, and evening roundtables. These discussions will be organized around what we know and how we might think in the future about four key issues: 1) What should we measure, and how, to account for the environmental effects of applying conservation on landscape or watershed scales? 2) What methods are needed to conduct relevant environmental management research at landscape or watershed scales? 3) What does the science have to say about targeting within landscapes or watersheds to improve conservation effectiveness? 4) What expectations should we have about the timing between conservation implementation and the resulting environmental effects? Sponsors include the Soil and Water Conservation Society, Agricultural Research Service, CSREES, Farm Service Agency, NRCS, and Economic Research Service. For more information and registration form, go to www.swcs.org/index.cfm?nodeID=8409&audienceID=1 . --Robert Wilson rwilson@mail.agecon.ksu.edu
VIEW THE MASTER SCHEDULE OR ADD NEW ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS. Submit corrections to previously submitted items to jzarger@ksu.edu . DATES TAKEN FROM THE MASTER SCHEDULE FOR AUGUST 9, 2006, THROUGH AUGUST 15, 2006: Wednesday, August 9 Wednesday, August 9, through Saturday, August 12 Wednesday, August 9, through Sunday, August 13 Friday, August 11 Friday, August 11, through Saturday, August 19 Saturday, August 12 Saturday, August 12, through Saturday, August 19 Sunday, August 13, through Saturday, August 19 Tuesday, August 15 Tuesday, August 15, through Saturday, August 19
Please Submit Items
no later than Noon on Monday to include in the
following Tuesday Letter to: |