The Tuesday Letter
Agricultural Experiment Station & Cooperative Extension Service
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
(Vol. 20 No. 49)
Annual Conference is just around the corner! Annual Conference provides for inspiration,
training, professional association work, connections with colleagues, and renewal. All it requires is that you come with a positive attitude and mindset to make it happen! In addition to my looking forward to seeing many of you next week, I am also looking forward to Wednesday morning with a great line up of speakers to provide a glimpse of what is happening around K-State, K-State Research and Extension, the world, and within Cooperative Extension. Our invited speakers, Jim Richardson and Marshall Stewart, will provide thoughtful insight and inspiration. If you’ve not taken the time to read their bios, please do! I’m excited to see and hear their presentations!
And, I encourage you to review the overall content for the week and get a big picture view of Annual Conference and how it will unfold. One change is that the KSRE Awards Luncheon has moved from Wednesday to Thursday noon. You won't want to miss it!!
My thanks to the hard work of the planning committee, and Ken Odde, as chair. Let's plan to celebrate our history, and be inspired by the future for Extension in Kansas.
Have a great week, and I’ll see you in Manhattan next week! --Daryl Buchholz
Great news! We have nearly 450 registered for the K-State Research and Extension Annual Conference. The deadline was October 10, but the registration site is still active until Wednesday, October 15.
Frank Tracz, K-State band director, will be the speaker at the inspirational breakfast at 7 a.m. on Thursday, October 23, in the Cottonwood Room.
The awards luncheon is Thursday, October 23, at noon. You must register for the conference and check that you will be attending the luncheon to receive a ticket for the free lunch.
The Wheat Research Symposium schedule (October 22, 1:15 to 6:30 p.m.) is posted to the website and now includes a meal. If you plan to attend, please register for the session to ensure ample food and beverages.
Meal counts must be turned in on Wednesday, October 15. If you want to add the inspirational breakfast, Wheat Research Symposium, or register for the awards luncheon, please do so by Wednesday.
The main sessions on Wednesday morning with Provost Mason, Director Floros, Jim Richardson, and Marshall Stewart will be streamed live and archived for those who can’t attend the conference. The URL will be distributed closer to the meeting date.
You can access the conference schedule on your smartphone or tablet. Download the free app at For best results, wait a few minutes between downloading the app and searching under conferences for K-State Research and Extension. The session locations have been added. Mark the sessions you plan to attend as favorites to customize your conference schedule. --Gloria Holcombe
K-State Research and Extension professionals and notable volunteers received national recognition at the 2014 Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP) national meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana and at National 4-H Hall of Fame Induction Ceremonies at National 4-H Conference Center in Washington, DC.
On October 8, Steve and Kay Irsik received the National Friend of Extension award from ESP for their outstanding service to Kansas youth, families and the agricultural community.
Elizabeth Brunscheen-Cartagena, extension agent, family and consumer sciences, Sedgwick County, received the ESP Diversity/Multicultural award for the North Central Region.
Barbara Stone, assistant director for Kansas State Research and Extension 4-H youth development, received the ESP North Central Region Award
for Visionary Leadership.
Provost April Mason presented a keynote at the Epsilon Sigma Phi conference, "The Future of Extension: Who will be our Audience?"
Then, on October 10, Marilyn Pence Galle, 4-H volunteer from Manhattan, was inducted into the National 4-H Hall of Fame as a member of the 2014 laureates! Former K-State Research and Extension faculty were also part of the 2014 Class of Hall of Fame laureates. Dr. Pat McNally and Mr. Errol Burns were also honored that evening. In attendance of the ceremony were Dr. Daryl Buchholz representing KSU and Dr. Rhonda Atkinson, representing the Kansas 4-H Foundation.
A great week for recognition of K-State volunteers and professionals! I know many of our volunteers across Kansas are being recognized locally. For those special volunteers, please think about nominating them for state recognition, as we'd love to have more and more of our outstanding volunteers to be recognized nationally as well!
All the best! --Barbara Stone and Daryl Buchholz