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KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

December 6, 2016

PDC Resources: Alternative Meeting Formats

Submitted by Fran Richmond

PDC Resources

In Extension units, Program Development Committee (PDC) members work in partnership with Extension agents to identify needs and then target programs to meet local needs. Effective meetings are key to the success of any group decision-making process. While the traditional PDC meeting format is to have a sit down face-to-face meeting, this format is not always feasible. In Extension districts, for example, a reason members often give for not attending meetings is the long distance they have to travel to the meeting.

Alternative meeting options may be considered to complement working with PDC members. Options include individual consultations, conference call, web conference, email, electronic poll, or small group discussion. Because each option has strengths and challenges, these formats require careful planning to keep PDC members interested and involved.

Check out the “Alternative Meeting Formats” handout and other helpful information on the PDC Resources Website.