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KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Tuesday Letter is a weekly email to approximately 2,500 faculty and staff of K-State Research and Extension and the College of Agriculture, providing recipients with timely announcements and updates.

From KSRE Administration

Embracing Opportunities
As an Extension professional, embrace opportunities to learn, develop new skills, and expand your horizons.
Shout Out: Lauralee Meyers, Terra Regehr, Bret Toews, and Ryan Flaming
This week the Shout Out is from Shad Marston, McPherson County Ag and Natural Resources Agent; and is sent for Lauralee Meyers, Terra Regehr, Bret Toews, and Ryan Flaming.

Local, Regional and Statewide Extension Events

Personal Safety & De-Escalation Training – Open to KSRE Faculty & Staff
De-Escalation flier
All KSRE Faculty & Staff are invited to register now for April's Personal Safety & De-Escalation Training.
Save the Date – Kansas 4-H Program Rally, January 27-29, 2026
Please add the 4-H Youth Development Program Rally, January 27-29, 2026, to your calendar.


Jane Eisenhaur, SNAP-Ed Nutrition Educator and Liberal Area Woman of Distinction
Calendar with Jane in upper left corner
Congratulations to Jane Eisenhaur, SNAP-Ed Nutrition educator and Liberal Chamber of Commerce Woman of Distinction

Volunteer Opportunities

Plan Now for National Volunteer Week, April 20-26, 2025
Plan now for how you will recognize local 4-H and Extension Volunteers. National Volunteer Week is April 20-26, 2025.

Health and Wellness

The Community Health Corner
The Community Health Corner provides tools you can use to support Extension's Grand Challenge for Health.

Extension Professional Trainings

Learn to Facilitate and Play The Watershed Game
Extension faculty and staff are invited to a training focused on how to facilitate “The Watershed Game,” an educational tool that teaches the principles of watershed management in a cooperative setting.

Calendar of Events