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KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

March 4, 2025

Social Media Highlights

Submitted by Kirsten Conard

Communications Solutions needs your help to find people and opportunities to feature on the state K-State Research and Extension social media pages in a few areas: 

  • Walk Kansas long-term participants. This year during Walk Kansas, we'd like to highlight a few long-term participants to share a bit about why they participate year after year. If you have someone in mind, please send us their contact information.
  • Volunteer Opportunities. If you are seeking volunteers for statewide programs, please let us know! We'd love to help spread the word.
  • Volunteers. April 21-27 is National Volunteer Week. We will be highlighting some of our amazing volunteers. If you have someone in mind, please send us their contact information by the end of March.

Info for any of these categories can be sent to kconard@ksu.edu. Thank you!