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  3. »KSRE Tuesday Letter
  4. »Partnership Meeting Dates/Locations Announced

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

November 3, 2015

Partnership Meeting Dates/Locations Announced

Submitted by Daryl Buchholz

Daryl Buchholz

HOW ABOUT THOSE KC ROYALS!!! Okay, back to announcing Partnership Meetings 2016.

The 2016 Partnership Meetings are scheduled at five locations across the state, as follows:

January 20 - Lawrence
January 21 - Parsons
January 26 - Garden City
January 27 - Russell
January 28 - Pratt

A primary theme for the Partnership Meetings will continue on the line of our annual conference theme "Leading in a Changing World." We will be reviewing roles and responsibilities of the local Extension Council / Governing Board and K-State Research and Extension to assure delivery of the best possible Extension programs built upon the foundations of research and knowledge sources through the land-grant university system. More detail for the day's agenda will be forth coming. We are also highlighting teamwork, partnering, as we aim to  strengthen program delivery and outcomes.

I urge you to pass along this theme and purpose for the Partnership Meetings to encourage all board and Program Development Committee members to attend one of the 2016 Partnership meetings.

And, have a great week!

In this issue

From the Director for Extension
Local, Regional and Statewide Extension Events
Extension Professional Trainings
Thank Yous
New Hires/Exits
Calendar of Events