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  4. »Call for Civil Discourse

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

November 15, 2016

Call for Civil Discourse

Submitted by Daryl Buchholz

Daryl Buchholz

Our K-State Interim President, General Richard Myers, put out a special statement to the K-State family on Thursday, November 10, 2016. I encourage you to follow this link and read it carefully, as it is very relevant to the entire K-State Research and Extension workforce and how we hold ourselves to the highest standard in how we treat our co-workers, board members, volunteers, and all people within our communities all across Kansas.

After such a divisive campaign, it is time to come together, and convey that all people living in this state and nation are equal, important, valued, and welcome. I appreciated the response President-elect Trump  gave when questioned about some of his supporters harassing Latinos, Muslims and members of other minority groups. President-elect Trump's response was, "Don't do it. That's terrible, because I'm going to bring this country together. Stop it." We should all be alert to any such harassment and recognize that even the simple comments in jest can be perceived to be a real threat, and public social media is no place to engage in such flippant and demeaning remarks. A good reminder to us all to be aware of our actions and their impacts on others.

Thanks for holding your standards high for the good of your community, state, and nation. And, please share this message with your board members and others you feel might benefit from being aware.