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  4. »Economic Gardening- A Revenue Growth Strategy for Second Stage Businesses

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

February 20, 2018

Economic Gardening- A Revenue Growth Strategy for Second Stage Businesses

Submitted by Nancy Daniels

Economic Growth

On March 2, our First Friday e-Call at 9:30 a.m. is on Economic Gardening, an innovative, entrepreneur-centered, growth strategy focused on providing tools to cultivate second-stage businesses. Our speakers are the founder, Chris Gibbons; and general Manager, Paul Bateson; of the national Economic Gardening program. Economic Gardening® targets second-stage companies already operating in a community. It helps these existing businesses grow larger by assisting them with strategic issues and providing them with customized research. Second stage businesses are defined as having (10-100 employees, $1-50 million in sales) (growth in 2 of the last five years) (not financially stressed).

The purpose of the First Friday e-calls is to increase the local community's knowledge about the experts, education and economic resources available to help small businesses and entrepreneurs and to increase the number of transactions between the small business owner/entrepreneur with these resources. The e-Call is conducted by Zoom and everyone who registers will get a link to the recorded call.

To be added to the call, contact nkdaniels@ksu.edu.

Please consider which small businesses in your community would benefit from economic gardening and invite them to join us. 

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