July 24, 2018
4-H FCS Judging Contest for Kansas State Fair - Register a Team!
As you are wrapping up your county fair, invite a team of youth to register for the Health themed Family and Consumer Sciences Judging Contest at this year's Kansas State Fair. Here is what you need to know:
• There are two age divisions: Intermediate (9-13) and Senior (14-18), as of January 1, 2018.
• The contest will be held on Saturday, September 15.
• Teams must consist of a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 4 team members.
• Teams will participate in a puzzle exercise related to health (think the game Clue), prepare and deliver a presentation focusing on a health aspect and complete a hands-on health related activity.
• Preparation for the contest is not required.
• A $15 entry fee is due for each team registered.
• Register teams by August 15 at https://kansasstatefair.fairentry.com. Remember to log in with your 4-H Online user name and password to submit an entry.
• As you register your team, please remember to select a contest start time. All participating team members must be present at the selected start time, to participate in the contest.
• Only one team entry, per age division, per local unit is permitted.
We look forward to receiving your local unit entries!