July 31, 2018
ESP Officer Nominations Being Sought
The Alpha Rho Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi is seeking nominations for the following positions - President Elect, Secretary, Editor, Northeast Council Director, Southeast Council Director, Retiree Director and an Endowment Retiree Trustee.
Serving as an ESP officer is a great opportunity to become acquainted with KSRE faculty across all disciplines and areas of the state. As an officer you help guide the organization and offer input on the activities to be carried out.
The ESP nominating committee of Lisa Martin, Anna Muir, Corinne Patterson, Peter Tomlinson, Pam Van Horn, Erin Yelland and Nadine Sigle are currently seeking nominations. If asked, don't shy away from serving. It's a great experience. If you are interested in serving, please do not hesitate to contact a nominating committee member.