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KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

April 13, 2021

4-H Updates

Submitted by Mark Stadtlander

Connecting New Families to 4-H. 4H1153. Anne Pitts. This publication highlights information useful for helping new families get connected to 4-H.

4-H Horse Project Page, Spanish. 4H1145S. Robyn Deines. This project page, translated into Spanish, provides information about the 4-H Horse Project, including the types of educational activities involved and how this project can lay a foundation for future learning and careers.

4-H Dairy Goat Project Page, Spanish. 4H1146S. Robyn Deines. This project page, translated into Spanish, provides information about the 4-H Dairy Goat Project, including the types of educational activities involved and how this project can lay a foundation for future learning and careers.

4-H Dairy Cattle Project Page, Spanish. 4H1147S. Anissa Jepson. This project page, translated into Spanish, provides information about the 4-H Dairy Cattle Project, including the types of educational activities involved and how this project can lay a foundation for future learning and careers.