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KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

November 26, 2024

The Community Health Corner

Submitted by Stephanie Gutierrez

Child Mental Health

The National Extension Framework for Health Equity and Well-being recommends using community development strategies and health literacy programs to ensure that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. The following resources help us improve well-being for all, and achieve Healthy Kansas 2030 and Healthy People 2030 objectives.

Webinar - Helping Children Thrive: Strategies to Improve Children’s Mental Health: In the United States, 1 in 5 children and adolescents have a mental, emotional, developmental, or behavioral disorder. A recent report estimated that the adolescent behavioral health crisis will cost up to $185 billion in lifetime medical costs. Mental health remains one of the leading causes of disability and poor health outcomes for children and adolescents, yet many conditions are underdiagnosed and undertreated. 

This webinar will focus on the impact of mental health issues among children and adolescents. Speakers will discuss:

  • Factors contributing to the rise in children’s mental health diagnoses and the financial impact.
  • Evidence-based strategies to provide mental health services through collaborative care models without increasing total health care costs.
  • A health plan’s efforts to address mental health and prioritize the expansion of mental health care for children and adolescents.

Webinar Details:

DATE: Tuesday, December 3, 2024

TIME: 12 pm - 1 pm ET

Registration Link: https://nihcm.org/events/helping-children-thrive-strategies-to-support-childrens-mental-health?utm_source=NIHCM+Foundation&utm_campaign=24b8ac9f61-120324_ChildrensMentalHealth_Webinar_Blast+2&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6f88de9846-24b8ac9f61-360272130

Connections Between Children's Mental Health And Housing: In ChangeLab Solutions has published a new fact sheet on the connections between children's mental health and housing. The resources provides an overview of several pathways through which housing affects children’s mental health, housing policy options to address common challenges, and action steps for anyone interested in promoting children’s mental health and well-being through housing.

SDoH Screening: Salud America! has developed the resource How to Advocate for SDoH Screening in Healthcare, aimed at developing SDoH screening programs in clinics, hospitals, and healthcare systems. The action pack, developed by Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez at UT Health San Antonio, has a conversation-starting model email, fact sheet, checklist on how to develop SDoH Screening, and a guide on existing screening tools. 

For more information, contact Elaine Johannes, ejohanne@ksu.edu; and Stephanie Gutierrez, smgutier@k-state.edu