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  4. »Join us for Remote Work Wednesday: Project Management and Goal Setting when Working...

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

February 11, 2025

Join us for Remote Work Wednesday: Project Management and Goal Setting when Working with Multiple Remote Teams

Submitted by Ron Wilson

Jan Steen

As a remote worker, how can we keep track of multiple projects – and keep team members and our supervisors informed? As a supervisor, how can we identify tools to use for project management and help hybrid teams to set and achieve goals? KSRE Community Vitality specialist Jan Steen will share his experience and the tools he uses when working with multiple teams in a remote setting. Remote Work Wednesday will take place on Zoom on Wednesday February 12 at 12 noon Central Time. Remote Work Wednesday is held on the second Wednesday of each month. The purpose is to explore the opportunities and challenges of remote work. To register, go to https://ksre-learn.com/remote-work. Participation is free. Everyone is invited to join.

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Extension Professional Trainings
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