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  4. »Entrepreneurial Profile 10 (EP10)

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

September 1, 2015

Entrepreneurial Profile 10 (EP10)

Submitted by Chris Onstad

The KSRE 2015 Annual Conference will be taking place October 20-22, 2015, and we are excited about the opportunities that come with this gathering. The title for this year's conference is Leading in a Changing World and we hope to accomplish several objectives including the continuation and strong growth of an entrepreneurial culture within KSRE.

The Gallup organization has studied the behavioral traits of entrepreneurs since 1965. Over the last decade they have included other developing countries to identify the traits of entrepreneurs. Through their research, they have identified 10 quantifiable talents. The Entrepreneurial Profile 10 is an instrument that can help people identify and develop their own entrepreneurial talents. Our initial morning together will include speakers from the Gallup organization that will discuss their results on entrepreneurial research and the role of individual talents in generating new business. All KSRE employees are invited to participate in the assessment at no charge to learn about their own individual entrepreneurial talents. A complimentary test to the Entrepreneurship Profile 10® (EP10) known as the Clifton Strengthfinder® is provided for every interested student entering K-state. It has been in place for over four years, so nearly every student has been exposed to the test creating a common dialogue among the students participating in the Clifton Strengthfinder®, which has been very popular.

While the EP10® questionnaire was developed for entrepreneur business development, it is pertinent for any organizational efforts where creativity, scholarly accomplishments and the ability to influence change is an organizational objective. It also provides a profile of the audience that KSRE employees work with on a daily basis. When completing the questionnaire, think about your work (extension and/or research) as a business and the questions about yourself and not necessarily your job responsibilities. There is likely to be some interaction, but the focus is for the individual talent. We hope that you find this assessment of your talents beneficial to the work you do as well as you as an individual in having a successful and fulfilling career.

Please follow the instructions below to take the Entrepreneurial Profile 10 assessment:

1. Visit https://www.gallupstrengthscenter.com/Register.

2. Copy and paste the access code ESF-7J5EZ-XA89H into the available field, and click Continue.

3. Follow the onscreen instructions to create a Gallup Strengths Center account. If you already have an account, you will need to sign in.

4. Once registered, you will be able to take the EP10® assessment. Please give yourself 30 minutes of uninterrupted time to complete it.

You will be able to review your results after completion of the questionnaire. Please print your results and bring with you to Annual Conference or save them to a file that you can refer to during the conference.


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