June 14, 2016
ESP-Alpha Rho News
Congratulations to Doug Jardine. He’s been elected the new National North Central Regional director of Epsilon Sigma Phi. Doug’s been a member of Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP) since 1986 and served locally, regionally and nationally. He brings a wealth of experience and wisdom to the National board where he will be the liaison between the National Board and the North Central chapters. Give Doug some love and let him know we appreciate him.
Congratulations to Kansas Alpha Rho Chapter of ESP. We’ve been selected to host the 2018 ESP National meeting in Manhattan, KS—the little Apple with big attractions. Give a shout out to the task force that helped us compile our 21-page winning bid. If you’re eager to help make this the best national meeting ever, contact our conference co-chairs: Stacey Warner, swarner@ksu.edu; and Jennifer Wilson, jrwilson@ksu.