June 28, 2016
Stephen Covey Quote

Stephen Covey’s quote resonates with me at any time, and especially now.
“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”
With the potential need for change pressing hard upon us, it is imperative that we keep focus on what is most important. What is the main thing about a strong, highly valued system of K-State Research and Extension? What is the focus and most important work that you must accomplish? With all kinds of distractions, how do we keep focus on those most important principles? It is up to each of us.
One example I think of this time of the year, youth are putting their 4-H achievements on display during fair time. It's important to always keep a focus on the main thing. And to reflect, is the main thing about winning, or is the main thing about providing opportunity to learn life skills, leadership, and citizenship? Does a young person have to win to achieve the main thing? Keep a focus on the main thing.
Covey’s quote has so many meaningful applications. And, if you find yourself asking what is the main thing, I’d suggest going to another author, Simon Sinek. Sinek will point you to “first ask why.”
And, one more quote from Stephen Covey, "live, love, laugh, leave a legacy."