November 22, 2016
Flu Shots

Can a flu shot give you the flu? No, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Flu shots are made with viruses that are inactivated and some are not made with viruses at all. The nasal spray vaccine is made with weakened viruses which are also unable to cause flu illness. In adults, the most common side effect of seasonal flu shots is soreness in the arm where the shot was given, and this usually lasts fewer than two days.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend getting the flu vaccine as soon as it is available because it takes about two weeks for the body to develop protection. It is especially important to get the vaccine if you, someone you care for, or someone you live with is at high risk for complications from the flu. Many employers offer annual flu shots at the workplace so look for announcements or contact your employee health department. You can also visit to find where to get the flu vaccine in
your area.
This wellness tip brought to you by the Healthy You wellness team. Be sure to LIKE our page on Facebook!