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  2. »K-State Research and Extension
  3. »KSRE Tuesday Letter
  4. »Recruiting Host Sites for Spring Board Leadership Series Extended to December 1

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

November 29, 2016

Recruiting Host Sites for Spring Board Leadership Series Extended to December 1

Submitted by Carl Garten

The Community Development PFT is recruiting host sites for a Spring 2017 Board Leadership Series. Series dates will be:

February 21, 23, 28 and March 2
6 to 8 p.m.

Session topics include: Basic Board Leadership and Effective Meetings; Fundraising and Management; Understanding Fellow Board Members & Conflict Management; Strategic Planning/Legal & Ethical Issues.

Host Site Responsibilities:

--Promote the training opportunity to community boards and commissions in your area.
--Secure a place to host the sessions that will accommodate up to 25 people and has excellent (hard wired) internet access. Note: if there is a rental fee, it will be the host site's responsibility to cover any cost in addition to what is returned as a portion of the registration fee.
--Negotiate group rates with boards sending three or more participants
--Prepare copies of all the meeting materials for the registered participants at your site. These will be sent by email to you the Friday before the session on Monday.
--Provide a light snack at each of the four sessions for the participants. You will receive some financial compensation to help defray the expense of the copying and food.
--Serve as the onsite facilitator/moderator for each of the sessions. This will include managing the Zoom connect interface; facilitating the interactive learning pieces; facilitating the questions and comments; providing the evaluation follow-up.

Note: Each of the four sessions will be taught by a team of experts using Zoom technology. As a site host you will only be responsible for facilitating two to three hands-on activities each session in addition to general hosting responsibilities. You will NOT be asked to teach the sessions. The Community Development PFT will provide facilitation training for all site hosts in early February.

This is an excellent way to deliver a local community development program. Agents/Offices interested in being a host site should contact Trudy Rice at trice@ksu.edu by December 1.