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  3. »KSRE Tuesday Letter
  4. »Kansas Forest Service Hosts Wildfire Awareness Meeting Tomorrow

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

June 13, 2017

Kansas Forest Service Hosts Wildfire Awareness Meeting Tomorrow

Submitted by Jennifer Williams

Wildfire Mtg

Join the Kansas Forest Service, Kansas State Research and Extension, Geary County Fire Department, and the Natural Resources Conservation Service tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the 4H Senior Citizens Center, 1025 S Spring Valley Road in Junction City to learn about how to be prepared in the event of a wildfire.

Prevent fire damage to your property by being prepared. You'll learn how to make informed management decisions to prevent wildfire damage to your home, farmstead, livestock, and equipment. Subject matter experts will cover topics such as natural versus invasive landcover and fuel, brush management practices, homeowner fire prevention, fire departments and wildfires in the wildland-urban interface, and resources that are available to cope with damage and loss. This event is free of charge, and open to the public.

For more information, email Jason Hartman, hartmanj@ksu.edu, or call 785-532-3316.

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