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  4. »Reminders for State Fair 4-H FCS Judging

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

August 1, 2017

Reminders for State Fair 4-H FCS Judging

Submitted by Andrea Feldkamp

Fair season is here! I hope that your fairs have gone well or preparations for a great fair are in progress. Here are some reminders about the 4-H FCS Judging Contest, to occur on Saturday, September 16, at the Kansas State Fair.

  • Pre-registration of your local unit team(s) must occur by the August 15 pre-entry deadline.
  • A Senior (14-19 years) and an Intermediate (9-13 years) team may be registered for each county comprising your Extension unit.
  • An entry fee of $15 will be required for each team's registration.
  • Additional information and rules for the Family and Consumer Sciences Judging Contest can be found on page 17 of the "2017 Kansas State Fair Exhibitor Handbook."
  • Preparation resources for the contest can be accessed at http://www.kansas4-h.org/events-activities/contests/fcs-judging/fcs-judging-preparation.html.
  • The contest again will include an interactive experience, (related to the senses of smell, sight and touch), hands on immersion activity (related to the "Book in a Bag" program), and an oral presentation.
  • All contest aspects will be completed as a team of 2.

Looking forward to having your teams join the fun! Questions? Contact Andrea Feldkamp at afeld@ksu.edu.