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  4. »Register now for SciComm 2019 - March 22-24 in Manhattan

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

February 26, 2019

Register now for SciComm 2019 - March 22-24 in Manhattan

Submitted by Sarah Hancock


SciComm 2019 is March 22-24 at Kansas State University in Manhattan.

The conference is dedicated to understanding and promoting effective communication of science to diverse audiences — including students of all levels as well as the general public — across all venues.

Join us for:

  • Contributed talks — Abstracts are due March 4!
  • Pre-conference workshops
  • Keynote speakers Danielle Lee and Kevin Folta
  • Science Showcase film festival and lightning talks
  • Family activities at Sunset Zoo
  • "Explain it like I'm 5" open mic night
  • and more!


  • $150 for faculty/professionals
  • $50 for students
  • Registration includes pre-conference workshop, breakfast on Saturday and Sunday, and lunch on Saturday. 

Register now or read more information about the speakers, schedule, and special events.

Please direct questions to ksscicomm@k-state.edu, and thank you to our co-sponsors from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln School of Biological Sciences.