November 5, 2019
KSRE Annual Conference Update: Shout Out on the Auction!
NEWS FLASH! The KSRE Annual Conference Fun Night... was (reportedly) FUN!
Dean Minton, Director Hadley and I want to offer a special Shout Out! to Cody Miller our Auctioneer and his Ringmen that kept the bids going. In total, the auction generated $1,435.00. Those funds were distributed back to the KSRE Professional Associations as follows: ESP: $585; KACDEP: $230; KACAA: $225; KAE4HA: $170; KEAFCS: $225. Hmm, I think there's a challenge in those numbers! Which association can raise the most funds next year?
Of course that auction would not have happened without one individual's dogged determination to rustle up the items from the Associations. So, Shout out number two to Tristan Cope!
Then of course the evening would not have been complete without the trivia game. Shout Out! number three goes to Jason Ellis and Mark Stadtlander for pulling together the questions that humbled so many of us.
It was a great conference and you haven't heard the last of it!