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  4. »Two Cottonwood District Agents Retire

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

March 1, 2022

Two Cottonwood District Agents Retire

Submitted by Theresa Meis

Cottonwood Extension District announces the retirement of two great Extension agents. Susan Schlichting retired on January 7, 2022 and Berny Unruh will retire on March 5, 2022.

Susan served more than 16 years for South Dakota Extension Service in Kadoka and Winner, South Dakota and then joined K-State Research and Extension in 2003. Berny started her career in Atchison County in 1980 and then worked in Ellis, Pawnee and Barton County. Both have worked to make a difference in their communities and have touched hundreds of lives through 4-H, FCS and community programs.

Please join us in celebrating their outstanding careers by sending your congratulations by cards or emails. Susan’s email is sschlich@ksu.edu and Berny’s is bunruh@ksu.edu. Cards can be sent to:

Cottonwood Extension District-Hays
601 Main Street
Hays, KS 67601

Thank You Susan and Berny for your contributions to our community, to the area and to the state of Kansas. You will be greatly missed and we wish you both the very best.