August 16, 2022
Shout Out: Sedgwick County Hourly Professionals
The Shout Out this week comes from Jennifer Brantley, Sedgwick County Director, and is sent for Sedgwick County hourly professionals. Jennifer writes:
"I would like to give a humongous shout out to the Sedgwick County hourly professionals. So far this year, we have had agents out on leave, as well as several positions left unfilled. The staff, without skipping a beat, have asked how they can help and fill in the gaps. We just completed our fair without 4-H agent leadership, yet Barbara Wingfield and Cathy Jones were phenomenal at running a very successful fair. Amy Hiebert is our SHICK Coordinator and is working with a committee to plan this season’s Medicare Open Enrollment processes. Sara Erickson, Denise Bindrum, and Jodie Kerr have come together to form a room rental committee. By not filling the part time position recently left open, these three ladies have stepped up and are providing outstanding customer service and strong oversight to the room rental process which we depend on for extra income. We have two nutrition educators, Irma Rosas and Nancy Gardner, who continue to connect the community to the SNAP-Ed and EFNEP programs. Additionally, Nancy Richardson and Jennifer Exline have provided support at the front desk when necessary. And finally, we welcome our new Master Gardener Coordinator, Debra Harries, who will assist with supporting our 300+ volunteers.
It is with the help of these professionals who have offered to help and do more. You are all a wonderful part of our team and thank you for your contribution to our success in serving the citizens of Sedgwick County."
Sedgwick County Staff, thanks for all you do for the people of Kansas, our colleagues and K-State Research and Extension.
If you know of a colleague or team of colleagues who deserve recognition for a job well done, why not nominate them for a Shout Out. Simply send their name(s) and the reason for the Shout Out to Also, it would be very helpful if you would put "Shout Out" in the subject line of the email.