December 6, 2022
4-H Horse Panorama
The 2023 4-H Horse Panorama is scheduled for January 28, at K-State Salina. In-person and virtual contests are available to Kansas 4-H members enrolled in the Horse or Horseless Horse project including Horse Bowl, Hippology, presentations, photography, design and more.
The 2023 4-H Horse Panorama registration will be completed through Qualtrics at the link provided on the 4-H Horse Panorama website. Registration is due January 10, 2023.
Virtual contests for 2023 will be Photography, Logo Design, Ad Layout, Poster, PowerPoint and Model Horse. Exhibits must be submitted via Qualtrics by 11:59 p.m., January 20, 2023. Participants in virtual contests need not be present at Horse Panorama to participate in the virtual contests. Members participating only in virtual contests will not be charged a registration fee. More information about the virtual contest can be found on the Panorama event webpage.