February 14, 2023
Office Professionals Training
Submitted by Carla Nemecek; Mary Sullivan; Aliesa Woods
Local unit office professionals are invited to attend a state-wide program designed to network, enhance professionalism, and show our appreciation for your efforts with K-State Research & Extension. Office professionals play a key role in our success, and we want to bring you together to enjoy a day of learning and fellowship.
Please join us at your preferred location on Wednesday, April 12, from 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. by registering through the link provided below. The locations, travel time and schedule were selected to accommodate an 8-hour workday. Cost is only $50 and will include snacks, lunch and an appreciation gift. Based on the feedback we received at the fall training, topics for the spring training will include Extension Accessibility & Language Access, Utilizing Teams, Financial Management and Handling Local Unit Records.
Locations include Colby, Garden City, Salina, Topeka and El Dorado.
Register here, by March 31: https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1SsL7qfm2zTQ2WO.