November 14, 2023
Implement HAPp and Impact Hypertension in Your Community – Join Us on the HAPp Program Team

Agents are invited to implement hypertension awareness and prevention activities through the HAPp signature program. With support from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment Community Clinical Linkages unit, agents implementing HAPp will have:
• Healthy Heart Ambassador (HHA) training and certification.
• Online HIPAA certification training.
• Nutrition and lifestyle education, and marketing materials.
• Evaluation support.
• Access to blood pressure devices for teaching HAPp clients to monitor their own blood pressures.
To be ready to launch HAPp in February, American Heart Health month. Select the HAPp signature program on PEARS and contact any of the following HAPp leadership team members for details:
Stephanie Gutierrez, Sara Sawer, Priscilla Brenes or Elaine Johannes.
HAPp is a featured community-based program by the nation's Office of Women's Health Self-Measured Blood Pressure initiative.