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  4. »Join Us Online for Remote Work Wednesday on April 3 – Stress and Mental Wellness:...

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

April 2, 2024

Join Us Online for Remote Work Wednesday on April 3 – Stress and Mental Wellness: Thriving as a Remote Worker

Submitted by Ron Wilson

Working from home sounds like fun, but what are the mental health implications of being physically removed from employers and coworkers? The 2023 US Surgeon General's report on the nation's epidemic of loneliness and social isolation has relevance to remote work. Our mental health and well-being are important to sustainable and successful work no matter the location. This month’s Remote Work Wednesday lunch and learn session will unpack what studies have revealed about our mental wellness when remote and teleworking, and how connection and involvement can reduce risks linked to isolation and loneliness. Dr. Elaine Johannes will address these issues at 12 noon on Wednesday, April 3. Remote Work Wednesday is held on the first Wednesday of each month to explore the opportunities and challenges of remote work.

Participation is free. Everyone is invited to join. To register, go to https://www.ksre.k-state.edu/program-areas/supporting-communities/remote-work-wednesdays/.