September 24, 2024
Kaw Valley Farm Tour - Celebrating 20 Years of Local Agriculture

The 20th annual Kaw Valley Farm Tour is just around the corner. Always the first full weekend in October, this tour is sure to please. Bring your friends and family to explore the land, animals, and practices of 39 farms in the Kansas Kaw Valley.
In 2004, creative community members from Community Mercantile, Pendleton’s Country Market, and K-State Research and Extension Douglas County, collaborated to build this tour to promote the economic stability of small family farms through engagement with a curious general public. Last year nearly 3,000 people traveled across 6 counties visiting farms (many not generally open to the public) purchasing local foods and fiber, and enjoying the rich and diversified agricultural life of this region.
So, mark your calendars for October 5 & 6, purchase a $10 ticket that covers a carload over the entire weekend, and discover amazing products and meet the farmers behind everything. From pumpkins and poultry to wildflowers and wine. Enjoy our added online map with expanded descriptions of farms and special activities. Much more information at