
Archived Nutrition News Articles

2011 Articles

The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Ages 65 years and Older

Healthy behaviors: A day - by - day commitment

2010 Articles

Healthy People 2020 — A Resolution for the New Year and Beyond!

Let's Take Control of Diabetes

The roles of Food additives

The roles of Food additives chart

Foods For Thought?

All Washed Up-Those Reusable Cloth Bags Related article: Does "Green" Mean Clean

Does Eating Breakfast Cereal Fight overweight in Children?

Can a Mediterranean Diet Positively Affect Our Genes?

Are All Fibers Created Equal?

Adopt Habits for Heart Health

Another Good Reason to Consume Whole Grains, Fruits and Vegetables

Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy affects mother, baby

Nutrient-Dense Foods or Nutrient-Rich Foods?

Caffeine in Energy Drinks

Small Improvements in Food, Physical Activity Choices Yield Big benefits

Just a Pinch of Salt

Food Marketing to Children

Energy Drinks and Vitamin Beverages in Pregnancy Bonus: Energy Drinks and Pregnancy Brochure

For press release stories about various topics on nutrition from the K-State Research and Extension newsroom, click here and then type in the word "nutrition" in the search news box at the top of the page.

If you have questions or concerns about any of the articles on this page, please contact our office at 785-532-5782 or email:

Other Newsletters

Dining on A Dime

Fruits and Vegetable Gazette

Good For You


Nourishing the Next Generation

2009 Articles

High Triglycerides - How, and Why to Lower these Blood Fats

Choline-The Unknown Essential Nutrient?


Reduce Added Sugar for Better Health

School Lunchroom Staple—An Ideal Sports Drink?

The Ice Cream Scoop

Omega-6 vs Omega-3 in the Fight Against Heart Disease

New Weight Guidelines for Pregnancy Reflect Need for Diet, Activity Guidance

Continued Breastfeeding Recommended for Infants During Influenza Outbreak

Eat Energy Dense Foods to Reduce Food Cost

Another Cup of Coffee for the Good Health?

Saving Cents on Food Makes Good Sense

Does "Green" Mean Clean?

When It Comes to Heart Health, All Fatty Fish Not Created Equal

2008 Articles

Self - Monitoring for Better Health Bonus: Self-Monitoring worksheet

What's a Whole Grain Pasta

Brief Update on Trans Fats

Kids Need Double the Vitamin D

Update on the Fructose Controversy

Dining Out Can be Healthy

Baby Milk Recommendations Changed when Overweight a Risk

More Bad News about Trans Fats

Caffeine Boosts Energy and Sales

Facts and functions of prebiotics, probiotics and synbiotics

Eating Well while Trimming Food Costs

Breastfeeding rates reach new high in US; benefits up as well

"Real Men Wear Gowns" to Raise Awareness

What is "Eating Competence"?

Food Stamps...for a Healthy Community

The Slow Food Movement--is it Gaining Momentum?

Cinnamon Not Helpful in Control of Diabetes or Blood Fats

2007 Articles

The Fruits and Veggies More Matters Campaign

Can a Virus Contribute to Obesity?

New WIC Food Package Approved - Healthful Options Added

USDA Upgrades MyPyramid Tracker

Traveling with Food Allergies

Vitamin D -- More Important Than We Thought

Artificial Food Color, Additives in Children's Food Still Suspect in Hyperactivity

Alli: Friend or Foe?

Food Ads Aimed at Children Changing

Benzoates Preserve Soft Drinks, Other Foods - But Are they Safe?