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  4. »National Extension Conference on Volunteerism (NECV)

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

January 21, 2025

National Extension Conference on Volunteerism (NECV)

Submitted by Sarah E. Maass

Last call for early bird registration for the National Extension Conference on Volunteerism (NECV).  NECV will be held April 22-24, in Portland, ME.  Early bird conference registration is $465 until January 30; conference late registration $565 from February 1- March 15.

Here is a list of things to do if you plan to attend:

  1. Book your Hotel Reservations. You'll need your confirmation code to register for the conference.
  2. Complete your Conference Registration.
  3. Visit the Conference Webpage. Check out the agenda and presentations, and learn more about the venue city.

The National Extension Conference on Volunteerism experience includes the latest trends and research in volunteerism, innovative ideas for reaching new volunteers, best practices for developing and retaining volunteers, methods to enhance your volunteer management skills, and outstanding networking opportunities.