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  4. »Evaluators Needed for Kansas 4-H Scholarship Evaluation

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

January 28, 2025

Evaluators Needed for Kansas 4-H Scholarship Evaluation

Submitted by Sarah L Keatley

If you or volunteers in your Local Extension Unit are interested in helping with the scholarship evaluation process, please click here to sign-up today! Evaluation of the Kansas 4-H Scholarships will occur throughout the first two weeks of March. You will be able to evaluate scholarships electronically on your own time throughout those two weeks. A computer and a reliable internet connection are a must.

This volunteer sign-up also includes a call for evaluators for the Vanier Family Scholarship Program applications. This evaluation process will occur in two stages, the beginning of March for written evaluations (done in the same fashion as the Kansas 4-H Scholarships) and then interviews for finalists at the end of the month.

If you have any questions about the process or what this opportunity entails, please email or call Sarah Keatley (sarahLkeatley@gmail.com) or 620.366.0035

In this issue

From KSRE Administration
Volunteer Opportunities
Health and Wellness
Extension Professional Trainings
Publications Update
Calendar of Events