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  4. »New Livestock Watering Video Series

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

March 25, 2025

New Livestock Watering Video Series

Submitted by Carol Baldwin

Watershed specialist Herschel George shares insights on solar watering system components

What is a wet well? How can I share field days through social media? Why do tire tanks fit so many watering situations? What options exist for temporary grazing situations such cover crops? Is there a way to make winter livestock watering less onerous? When are solar panels a good power choice for providing water? The just-released livestock watering systems video series provides watering system selection, installation, and maintenance details, plus additional material on special situations and sharing technical information. This ten-video series draws on the extensive experience and expertise of the entire KCARE watershed specialists’ team, with detailed information to increase your ability to assist producers with their livestock watering needs. The videos were produced in conjunction with the revision of KSRE publication S147 "Waterers and watering systems: A handbook for livestock producers and landowners" published last year. The handbook and videos can be accessed from the KCARE website at https://www.kcare.k-state.edu/pubs/watering_handbook.html, or you can go directly to the videos at https://www.kcare.k-state.edu/pubs/videos.html.