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  3. »KSRE Tuesday Letter
  4. »Volunteer Screening Update and Brainstorming Sessions Scheduled

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

August 25, 2015

Volunteer Screening Update and Brainstorming Sessions Scheduled

Submitted by Barbara Stone

A reminder for the conference calls that will be held on Wednesday, August 26, at 10 a.m. and Thursday, August 27, at 1:30 p.m. to learn about updates to the 4-H volunteer screening process. We will also gather information on 1) how you are handling the volunteer screening process and 2) brainstorm ways in which you are covering the cost of the Criminal Background Checks (CBCs) for 4-H volunteers. We know that the FCS update will be going on in Manhattan during this time frame. Notes will be taken during both calls and shared following the calls as well as the conference call being recorded.

To participate in either one of the calls, please dial 866-620-7326 and enter the participant pin number: 479 963 8009.

We hope you are able to fit one of these calls into your schedule. If you have questions, contact Sarah Maass, Interim Extension Volunteer Specialist, semaass@ksu.edu; or Barbara Stone, Assistant Director, 4-H Youth Development, bjstone@ksu.edu.