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  4. »Soil Health and Vegetable Crops Training for Agents

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

January 26, 2016

Soil Health and Vegetable Crops Training for Agents

Submitted by Megan Kennelly

Do you answer questions about soil and/or vegetables? If you answered "yes" then this training might be for you.

The overall goal of this project is to provide a comprehensive training program for agents about soil health with specific applications to vegetable cropping. The project team includes Megan Kennelly (Plant Pathology), Cary Rivard (Horticulture), DeAnn Presley (Agronomy), and Raymond Cloyd (Entomology).

This hands-on workshop will be offered in three locations (northeast, north central, southwest) in 2016 and three additional locations in 2017 (southeast, south central, northwest - locations and dates to-be-determined).

In 2016, the dates and locations are:

May 11, Olathe Research Station
May 26, Courtland (on a private farm)
June 9, Liberal (Seward County Community College)

Lunch will be provided.

To minimize "classroom time" (and maximize active hands-on learning and field visits) participants will be asked to view about eight 30-minute webinars prior to the workshop. Those webinars will be made available later this spring. During the fall/winter after each series of workshops we will offer some additional online activities to push into more detail for those who are interested.

For more details, you can find this event in the Professional Development system, and it is also listed on the Master Calendar. The project website is www.soilhealthbootcamp.com.

Stay tuned for more details and information on how to register.

You can also contact Megan Kennelly, kennelly@ksu.edu; or Kim Oxley, koxley@ksu.edu.