February 9, 2016
Join Us For: "Together We Can( TWC!) Training for Healthy Relationships to Reduce Poverty

The TWC! (Together We Can!) project will kick off with healthy relationships training - February 16 (1 p.m.) to February. 18 (12 p.m.) at Rock Springs 4-H Center (just south of Junction City). We welcome you to participate!!
The TWC! project is intended to support healthy relationships training implementation in up-to ten communities through collaborations between Extension and local groups such as Circles or other programs that address family poverty.
Those participating in TWC! will receive:
- Training (February 16, 17, 18) in the national, evidence-based "Elevate!" couple strengthening curriculum and Michigan State Extension's "Together We Can" single parenting curriculum.
- Community awareness resources such as the video "Poor Kids" from PBS, and Ohio State Extension's "Tough Work."
- A mini-grant of $200 to support local implementation.
- Evaluation support (via K-State Family Studies and Human Services students) and marketing of your work.
REGISTRATION DETAILS: In order to secure your spot, we are charging a non-refundable fee of $20 per person. Send your confirmation email to Elaine Johannes, ejohanne@ksu.edu; or Adam Cless, acless@ksu.edu.
Registrations are due by FEBRUARY 11 (Thursday) in order to secure your lodging, meals and materials. You can also call in your registration at 785-532-5773 (this is my direct line, so please leave your message).
For more information, contact Elaine Johannes, 785-532-7720, ejohanne@ksu.edu.