July 19, 2016
Intermediate 4-H FCS Judging Contest
The second 4-H Intermediate 4-H FCS Judging Contest will be held on Saturday, September 17, at the Kansas State Fair. The contest will be conducted in the Encampment Building.
Local units are invited to register one team per unit. A team consists of two youth, between the ages of 9-13, as of January 1, 2016. The contest theme focus will be nutrition. Three contest aspects will again be offered, including a sensory analysis experience, a SuperTracker exercise and an optional oral presentation.
Visit https://kansasstatefair.fairentry.com to register local unit teams. In order to pre-register a team, a contest time must be selected at the time of pre-registration. A registration fee of $12 will be collected per pre-registered team of two.
Visit the "2016 Kansas State Fair 4-H Exhibitor Handbook" to learn more. Pre-registration is due August 15. Questions? Please email Andrea Feldkamp at afeld@ksu.edu.