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  4. »Jim Wheaton Hired as Rock Springs Executive Director

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

January 10, 2017

Jim Wheaton Hired as Rock Springs Executive Director

Submitted by Jake Worcester

Jim Wheaton

The Kansas 4-H Foundation is pleased to announce the hiring of Jim Wheaton as the Executive Director at Rock Springs 4-H Center. Wheaton was most recently the Executive Director at Lake Doniphan Conference and Retreat Center near Excelsior Springs. He has prior experience as a consultant and an administrator of the WIC program for major medical centers in the Kansas City area.

"Jim is a talented leader and has a vision for Rock Springs that will enable it to serve Kansas 4-H members for years to come. As we continue to grow and enhance the 4-H camp and conference experience, I am confident in Jim's ability to lead our staff in providing outstanding service," said Kansas 4-H Foundation President and CEO Jake Worcester.

Please feel free to contact Jim at jwheaton@rocksprings.net and welcome him to the 4-H family.