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  4. »Extension Sheep and Meat Goat Specialist Interviews July 25 and 27

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

July 18, 2017

Extension Sheep and Meat Goat Specialist Interviews July 25 and 27

Submitted by Joel DeRouchey

We will be interviewing Richard Ehrhardt (current Extension specialist at Michigan State University) on July 25, and Alison Crane (recent Ph.D. student at North Dakota State University) on July 27. We hope you can join us for the candidates' seminars (10:15-11:15 in 146 Weber Hall) and when the candidates meet with Extension agents and faculty (1:30-2:15 in 233 Weber Hall).

A link for full information on candidates and the schedule can be found at http://www.asi.k-state.edu/about/people/candidates.html.

We hope you can come participate in the process and provide input on the candidates.