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KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

November 7, 2017

Important Dates

Submitted by Gregg Hadley

I hope everyone enjoyed the collegiality and professional development opportunities offered by our 2017 Annual Conference. I enjoyed seeing everyone there, although I do wish I hadn’t been under-the-weather so that I could have been more actively engaged in the association activities.

For this Tuesday Letter, I thought I would remind you of an important save-the-date for our next major system meeting series. The annual Partnership Meetings are our system’s major event that focuses exclusively on building stronger partnerships and better understanding between the state Extension administration team, our State Extension Advisory Council, local Extension councils and agents.

Because we talk about system issues that relate directly to local units, it is especially critical that local Extension council representatives are engaged at the Partnership Meetings. As their schedules are often less flexible than ours, I ask our local unit Extension professionals to share the following dates with your respective Extension council representatives and encourage their involvement at the 2018 Partnership Meetings.

The 2018 Partnership Meetings will be held on:

o January 23, 2018 at K-State Research and Extension Sedgwick County in Wichita
o January 25, 2018 at K-State Research and Extension Douglas County in Lawrence
o January 30, 2018 at the Southwest Research-Extension Center in Garden City
o January 31, 2018 at the Agricultural Research Center in Hays

Registration information for the 2018 Partnership Meeting series will be forthcoming.