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  4. »Urban-Serving Extension Professionals to Gather in St. Louis May 9-10, 2018

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

March 27, 2018

Urban-Serving Extension Professionals to Gather in St. Louis May 9-10, 2018

Submitted by Gregg Hadley

Urban issues affect cities with populations of several thousand on up to populations of several million. Understanding these issues and how to reach out to meet the Extension programming needs of urban audiences is important and becoming increasingly so.

The National Urban Extension Leaders (NUEL) is a collaborative of urban-serving Extension Professionals from across the country. They are supporting Regional Caucus events aimed at creating a dialogue among Extension Professionals to enhance their programming – specific to uniquely urban issues. The first North Central Regional Caucus for NUEL will be held in downtown St. Louis, MO May 9-10, 2018.

If you are an Extension Professional with connections to urban populations in Kansas, I encourage your consideration of this professional development opportunity. The organizing committee has been busy building the agenda for the four programmatic emphasis areas of:

• Urban Youth Development
• Community Capacity Building
• Community Food Systems
• Urban Extension Administration

Registration is open for the Regional Caucus at https://tinyurl.com/ya33l7qh. The early registration fee is $290 and hotel accommodations are $212/night. In an effort to get more K-State Research and Extension participation, I am awarding $300 scholarships to help defray some of the costs of attending. If you are interested in applying for one of these scholarships, send a pdf document outlining the following to Marlin Bates, batesm@ksu.edu, by Thursday, April 5:

1. Name, Email Address
2. A paragraph outlining why you would like to attend the Regional Caucus
3. A statement on whether receipt of the scholarship would be a determining factor in your attendance

Awardees will be selected and notified in time to register before the April 10 registration deadline.

Summary (255 character limit):
Scholarships are being offered to help defray the costs of KSRE Professionals’ attendance at the NUEL Regional Caucus. Extension Professionals from all of Kansas’ more metropolitan regions are encouraged to consider attending this event.

In this issue

From the Director for Extension
From KSRE Administration
Local, Regional and Statewide Extension Events
Program Updates
Calendar of Events