September 3, 2019
With Heartfelt Thanks
Dear Friends,
Thank you all for the cards, calls, FaceBook messages, and emails I received all this week and at my Retirement Celebration. I was humbled by your words. It's been my pleasure to work with many fine Extension agents, specialists, and office professionals. You are among the smartest and most capable people around!
I leave you with these words which I heard from a keynote speaker at Annual conference in the early 80's.... and it has stuck with me ever since.
Humor – be able to see the funny parts of life and don't take yourself too seriously
Hustle – work hard, plan well, put in the effort…… or as Coach Klieman says ....“Win the Dang Day”
Hang loose – don’t sweat the small stuff. Ask yourself, will it matter in 5 minutes, 5 days, or 5 years ….. Focus on the big picture
And finally…
Humaneness – in other words – be a good human being and be kind to others